Tuesday, January 19, 2010

if i'd WANTED to know about a ruptured ovarian cyst i would have googled it...

yes. well. having spent yesterday in the local emergency department in huge amounts of pain and with 500 of my closest friends piled moaning and crying in beds throughout the hallways, i have decided a couple of things.

nurses and doctors are amazing (how do they keep smiling and caring?)

public hospitals suck (which reinforces the first point)

if, as i was warned may be possible, this happens again next month, all those girly bits are coming out! (they're old news now anyway as everyone within a 12 mile radius of the hospital had a look up there yesterday)

oh, and as a ps i'd like to say that andrew is the best boyfriend in the world xx

and ppss - the bright spot in an otherwise grey day was the orderly looking at my chart, then at me and saying '42' in a VERY surprised voice!


  1. You may as well donate your body to Flinders as they've seen all of it anyway. Course, you're in such good shape (pshaw - waddaya mean 42) it'll be years until they actually get it. Still, I imagine they will wait with bated breath at such a fine specimen.....
